Welcome to the Site!

An Introduction

Hello! My name is Blaise Kabbeko and since January 2021, I have been an amateur writer who really enjoys music analysis, writing and exploring the classic rock and pop music of yesteryear as well as music history that interests me. The bulk of my writing exists on a Tumblr blog that bears the same name as this site, but recently I have become interested in exploring Neocities and seeing what creating a website of my own can offer. I admit I don't have many talents when it comes to coding, so much of what you see is currently a work-in-progress. Nevertheless, I'm hoping to get better as I go along! I plan to repost some of the writing that I've done on Tumblr as a way to show Neocities viewers what I've done and going forward I plan to post all my new writing here as well as on Tumblr. When said writing finally makes an appearance, I hope you enjoy what you find here.

Here's how you can make bold and italic text.

The two main series you will find here include:

Ranting and Raving

This is the main series I write. It's where I look at a specific song in-depth. It can range from a song I've been listening to a lot and have been thinking about or it could be a song that I find interesting and have something meaningful to say about it.


Something new I started doing this year where I create a playlist based around a central theme, which could include exploring an entire genre, exploring the best songs on the Billboard Hot 100 Year-End Singles chart of a given year, or any other theme that I think is worth exploring. So far, I have made two playlists: one exploring the hits of 1981 and the other exploring the hits of 1978.

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